Monday, May 3, 2010

The Travis Talks Minnesota Sports Podcast on temporary hiatus until May 17th

I was going to try to juggle everything with school and the blog and the podcast, but have decided to take a temporary hiatus from the podcast. The next new Travis Talks Minnesota Sports Podcast will be Monday, May 17th, but I will have some blog entries the next two weeks but am unable to bring new material so I want to thank everyone who has listened to me and tune back on the 17th. I will still be on the Tuesday night podcast with Seth Stohs tommorrow night so check us out at

To my readers

I just want to forewarn everyone that it is finals week coming up and my writing will be sporatic in the next week. I will have another edition of the Travis Talks Minnesota Sports Podcast tonight at 9pm. I don't have any guests confirmed yet, but I will have that show no matter what so follow me over to blog talk radio at Then tommorrow night I will return to the Twins Minor League Weekly show with my cohost Seth Stohs tommorrow night at 10. You can find that show every Tuesday night with Seth and myself at I finish school next Tuesday, May, 11th and after that I will be bringing you something on this blog every day so just be patient with me and enjoy a good week and I will talk to you when I talk to you. Thanks for understanding.